Monday 27 September 2010

How to Decide What Console to Buy

First of all let me make this clear: this has nothing to do with the console wars as I do not approve of such nonsense. Every gamer knows there are 3 major consoles right now: the PS3, the 360, and the Wii. But how can someone new to gaming, or someone deciding to buy a new console, well, decide? Well, it mainly depends on what the gamer wants:

Case 1: The Casual Gamer

You are just a gamer looking for easy, casual games to play during your spare time. Nothing serious. What I suggest is getting a Wii. I'm not saying the Wii doesn't have hardcore games, but most of its games are meant to be fun, easy, and great for the whole family. Take Wii Sports for example. It's a really fun game to play with friends and is a really addictive game. But no one will keep playing it forever since there is nothing to earn from it. No collectibles, awards... But since you just wanna have fun, the Wii is the console for you.

Case 2: The Hardcore Gamer

Now there are two consoles to buy here. Either the PS3 or the 360. But which to choose? Well, let's find out.
If you're looking for great exclusives than you should go for the PS3. The PS3's exclusives are what makes it what it is. Whether it's a unique game like Little Big Planet, or a great 3rd person action game like God of War 3, the PS3 is just filled with exclusives. If you're also looking for a great, free online experience, the PS3 has that too.
On the other hand, if what you're looking for is simply online gaming, I think the 360 is better at that since it has a larger community, although you'll have to pay 50$/year for online play.


In my opinion, if you're looking for a system that does it (almost) all, I'd say the PS3 is the best choice since the online community is growing, online play is free, it has many major exclusives, and the Move out which might give the PS3 some casual games.

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